
A transparent TCP to SOCKSv5/HTTP proxy on Linux written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A transparent TCP to SOCKSv5/HTTP proxy on Linux written in Rust.


  • Transparent TCP proxy with iptables -j REDIRECT
  • Support multiple SOCKSv5/HTTP backend proxy servers
  • SOCKS/HTTP-layer alive & latency probe
  • Prioritize backend servers according to latency
  • Full IPv6 support
  • Optional remote DNS resolving for TLS with SNI
  • Optional try-in-parallel for TLS (try multiple proxies and choose the one first response)
  • Optional status web page (latency, traffic, etc. w/ curl-friendly output)
  • Optional Graphite support (to build fancy dashborad with Grafana for example)
+------+  TCP  +----------+       SOCKSv5   +---------+
| Apps +------>+ iptables |    +------------> Proxy 1 |
+------+       +----+-----+    |            +---------+
           redirect |          |
                 to v          |      HTTP  +---------+
               +----+----+     |   +--------> Proxy 2 |
               |         +-----+   |        +---------+
               | moproxy |---------+             :
               |         +------------...        :
               +---------+  choose one  |   +---------+
                I'M HERE                +---> Proxy N |


Print usage

moproxy --help


Assume there are three SOCKSv5 servers on localhost:2001, localhost:2002, and localhost:2003, and two HTTP proxy servers listen on localhost:3128 and Following commands forward all TCP connections that connect to 80 and 443 to these proxy servers.

moproxy --port 2080 --socks5 2001 2002 2003 --http 3128

# redirect local-initiated connections
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2080
# redirect connections initiated by other hosts (if you are router)
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2080

# or the nft equivalent
nft add rule nat output tcp dport {80, 443} redirect to 2080
nft add rule nat prerouting tcp dport {80, 443} redirect to 2080

Server list file

You may list all proxy servers in a text file to avoid a messy CLI arguments.

test dns= ;use other dns server to caculate delay
score base=5000 ;add 5k to pull away from preferred server.

Pass the file path to moproxy via --list argument.

Signal SIGHUP will tigger the program to reload the list.


You may download the binray executable file on releases page.

Arch Linux user can install it from AUR/moproxy.

Or complie it manually:

# Install Rust
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

# Clone source code
git clone https://github.com/sorz/moproxy
cd moproxy

# Build
cargo build --release
target/release/moproxy --help