Orchard Skills Bulma Dark Theme
Added the Bulma CSS with Webpack build to Visual Studio
Important! Neet to:
- First Rebuild Solution without running.
- Then Run.
There is a bizare bug in Visual Studio that you can't build and run at the same time on the first build. This issue only occurs the first time you build and run.
Go to the directory: .\OrchardSkills.OrchardCore.BulmaDarkTheme
Building Bulma CSS with Webpack
Use the following command:
npm install
yarn install
A developer can build, debug and display the CSS and HTML using the development build and the Webpack server. Use the following command:
npm start
yarn start
In order to use the Bulma Dark Theme CSS a production build needs to be executed. Use the following command:
npm run deploy
yarn deploy
All the source code for the fonts, icons, images, styles, javascript and html are located in the ./src folder.
After the production build, the files will be located in the ./wwwroot/dist folder