Full public release of large scale and linear scaling DFT code CONQUEST
- 0
- 8
Refactor duplicated code in m_kern_exx_ subroutines
#346 opened by tkoskela - 9
Instructions for installation (Ubuntu/WSL)
#310 opened by AugustinLu - 0
Adapt run_tests script to new way of building
#359 opened by ilectra - 0
- 1
correction in matrix_trace
#353 opened by ayakon - 0
- 1
Changing the order of atoms in velocity.dat
#312 opened by tsuyoshi38 - 1
test_003 fails with XC_LIBRARY = CQ
#347 opened by tkoskela - 1
f-exx-opt: Results are dependent on compiler/library versions and # of MPI ranks
#350 opened by connoraird - 1
Error in l-m resolved projected DOS
#344 opened by davidbowler - 5
Possible bug when running on one MPI process
#321 opened by tkoskela - 3
Run weak scaling tests
#264 opened by tkoskela - 6
Test different multiply kernels in testsuite
#270 opened by tkoskela - 9
Multi threading exact exchange
#276 opened by tkoskela - 0
Backtrack line minimisation can fail
#343 opened by davidbowler - 0
Investigate FFTs
#339 opened by tkoskela - 0
Strange Fermi energy for gapped states
#338 opened by tsuyoshi38 - 1
Data alignment in m_kern_min
#337 opened by tkoskela - 3
Change system.make approach in Makefile
#332 opened by davidbowler - 0
- 7
- 2
- 2
Memory error associated with LibXC module
#299 opened by davidbowler - 4
- 4
- 0
Change test titles to remove numbering
#326 opened by davidbowler - 0
add topics
#325 opened by Beliavsky - 0
- 7
Format of the forces in extXYZ output file.
#274 opened by AugustinLu - 3
pseudo_tm_info uses XC
#313 opened by tkoskela - 2
Possibility of stopping properly MD whereas the number of steps is not reached
#311 opened by lionelalexandre - 3
Non-halo atom error in set_bucket_module.f90
#306 opened by davidbowler - 1
Turn pointers into allocatables in structures
#296 opened by tkoskela - 0
- 0
- 1
Record the matrix multiply kernel used in output
#281 opened by davidbowler - 10
Possible issue with gcc@13
#301 opened by connoraird - 3
- 0
Repeated code in testsuite
#304 opened by tkoskela - 14
- 1
Update spack package
#279 opened by tkoskela - 2
Compilation error on develop branch
#287 opened by AugustinLu - 0
Further threading ideas: spin and van der Waals
#278 opened by davidbowler - 0
Make develop the default branch?
#277 opened by tkoskela - 2
- 0
Store inputs for performance tests
#261 opened by tkoskela - 0
Document benchmark systems
#275 opened by ilectra - 2
Investigate performance of other multiply kernels
#268 opened by tkoskela - 1
Test longer matrix ranges in matrix multiply
#269 opened by tkoskela