The GeoDataViz Toolkit is a set of resources that will help you communicate your data effectively through the design of compelling visuals. In this repository we are sharing resources, assets and other useful links.
- AlisonDaveyMadrid, Spain
- ambarjaNational University of San Marcos
- AndrewRadburnOrdnance Survey
- AndyNSDC
- barrychocolate
- bogsnork@naturalengland
- Casyfill@StreetEasy
- ccamaraResearch Software Engineer @WarwickCIM
- charleyglynn
- eemailme
- egil1978Ordnance Survey
- emacgillavryWebmapper
- engaricMaterialise UK
- flother@GRID-is
- GeoBlogs
- geomenkeSeptima P/S
- gontsaCherkasy, Ukraine
- ingallandy
- jeeemilGispo
- jhcloos
- mappingmckenna
- mdubresson
- mykolakozyrBerlin, Germany
- NMeys
- nmusgrove123
- omniphobia
- onplotEdinburgh
- royrathbun
- sahbayliss
- sanakGeorepublic Japan
- UKLocator
- winsento
- wriglz@CartoDB
- yeradis@americanexpress