It is gonna be a game.

It is gonna be a persistent state universe.



  • Game should be as interactive as possible.
  • Because of that it will not be possible to improve your economy.
  • Each world will produce same amount of goods in same period of time.
  • However it is not said that these amount and time will not change.


  • All units, in all games, can be always divided into two groups - offensive and defensive.
  • Superior units can and will be represented as a number of basic ones.
  • There is no reason why costs of offensive and defensive troops should differ.
  • Defensive units are unable to attack.
  • Defensive units on the other hand are stronger than offensive.
  • I would propose single defensive unit twice stronger than offensive.


  • Universe will not be limited to any number of players.
  • Game rules and dynamic should favor newcomers.
  • Game rules and dynamic should favor cooperativeness.
  • Game rules and dynamic should prevent automation from easy domination.
  • To limit automation concept of credits will be introduced.
  • Credits will accumulate over time, but will not exceed some limit.
  • Credits will be require to perform most (or even all) actions in game.


  • Battle have to be announced in advance.
  • It will be achieved by some concept of distance.
  • All worlds will have its locations.
  • Distance does not have to be constant during the game.
  • Distance does not have to follow any rules of geometry.
  • Battle result should be predictable.
  • Army in movement can not be attacked.
  • Because all movements will be public it have to be possible to change army target.