
Building a balanced binary search tree (BST)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Structures: Binary Search Tree

An implementation of a balanced binary search tree (BST) in Javascript.

To run the script:

Run script.js.

There is already a demonstration of some of the methods in the file,
You can use all the methods available below.

Includes the following methods:

  • insert(key) - inserts a new node with the given key into the tree
  • delete(key) - deletes the node holding the given key from the tree
  • find(key) - returns the node holding the given key in the tree
  • levelOrder(callbackFn) * - traverses each node of the tree in level order.
  • inorder(callbackFn) * - traverses each node of the tree inorder
  • preorder(callbackFn) * - traverses each node of the tree preorder
  • postorder(callbackFn) * - traverses each node of the tree postorder
  • height(node) - returns the height of a node -- defined as the longest path between the node and a leaf node
  • depth(node) - returns the depth of a node -- defined as the distance between the node and the root
  • isBalanced() - returns true/false based on whether or not the tree is balanced
  • rebalance() - rebalances the tree
  • prettyPrint() - prints the tree in the console in a human reader friendly format

Additional note for methods that have an asterisk(*):

* If a callback function is provided, each node of the binary tree will be provided as the argument to the provided function, otherwise an array of node keys will be returned.