
A bot for Discord that can be remotely controled like a user.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A bot for Discord that can be remotely controled like a user.


Install node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/

Install ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/

Extract the zip

---How to set up---

RCBot is fairly simple to set up. First, go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ . You will need to make a new application and bot account.

Afterwards, copy the bot token on the bot page. You will need to extract the zip and open index.js in a text editor such as Notepad++. Under the section labled "Bot start", replace "Put login token here" with your bot token.

The bot should be ready to start now. Try running start.bat to launch the bot.


After launch, the bot should have a CMD open with the text "Bot Online". Select a text channel by typing /channel into the CMD and entering the channel ID. You can now send messages through the CMD to the text channel. You can send direct messages the same way, but use /user to select the user and /dm to send the message. The process is the same with voice chat.


/quit - Quits the program

/join - let's you join a voice channel

/leave - leaves voice channels

/tts - Toggles tts

/channel - Selects the active text channel

/user - Selects the active user

/dm - sends a direct message

/currentchannel - Shows current channel ID

/currentuser - Shows current channel ID

/status - Lets you set the bot's status to online, idle, invisible, and DnD.

/game - Sets a playing status

/listening - Sets a listening status

/stream - Sets a stream status

/watch - Sets a watching status

---Change Log--- --Update 2-- -Updated to discord.js v12 -added opus -added voice/tts compatabillity