
This repo is full with vanilla js application that I learned from different courses. Examples are not so complicated. But every project has some goals.

Primary LanguageHTML

01 - Form Validator

This is a simple form interface. Only used Html CSS for design and there is no really validation. Just looking for format and looking for empty inputs.

Main goal is:

  • Using simple flexbox
  • Making simple validation

Register Form

02 - Movie Seat Booking

I try to simulate to operation to buying movie ticket. Used cookie to store seat status and price for selected seats. All design with vanilla css.

Main goal is:

  • Learning how to use local storage
  • Learning how to make basic css meaningful

Movie Seat

03 - Custom Video Player

This is a customized video player, I disabled default controls for html video element and added customized controllers.

Main goal is:

  • Learning how to customize video controllers with Javascript.

Movie Seat

04 - Exchange Rate Calculator

In this project I took exchange rates from API (exchangeratesapi.io). It is a simple rate calculator.

Main goal is:

  • Learning how to use fetch API.
  • Manipulate DOM with data which came from another server.

Exchange Rate

05 - Simon Game

In this game goal is track the pattern showing in the game. Every time you need to start from start no until the last node. If you track right nodes without mistake you pass that level.

Main goal is:

  • Practice DOM manipulation.
  • Practice Javascript Functions.

Simon Game

06 - Random User Operation

In this Project I used random user API (randomuser.me). I used fetch API for this and I aimed to practice how to use high level array methods. I used map,filter,sort,forEach,reduce methods.

Main goal is:

  • Practice Javascript high level array methods.
  • Practice ES6 in general.

Exchange Rate

07 - Weather API

Another API project. I did these projects to practice promise approach and async programming with Javascipt. I also used fetch API with this one.

Main goal is:

  • Practice promise approach.

Exchange Rate

08 - HANGMAN Game

This is a fun project to make. It's good for practice to solve small problems. Also there is a bit of svg in this project. I used some keyboard events and made fun game.

Main goal is:

  • Make fun game.
  • Try to interact with user

Exchange Rate