- 0
The plugin will report an error when loading localized files, as will the use of the reload command
#27 opened by chencu5958 - 1
Feature Request
#23 opened by Royul2k - 0
- 2
Minimessage Support
#11 opened by TheZexquex - 1
Unintuitive GUI behavior
#12 opened by UniqueUserName500 - 1
Can you support the title or mysql synchronization, otherwise you need to copy tag.yml to each sub-server every time, which is very troublesome
#13 opened by lizheyo77 - 1
tags.yml does not accept comments in 1.1.0
#7 opened by nhanledev - 1
Allow change bottom menu MATERIAL
#4 opened by nhanledev - 1
SLF4J Error on load
#5 opened by nhanledev - 1
Hope you can add features
#1 opened by beoo-i