RelIoT is a simulation framework implemented in ns-3 which allows practical and large-scale reliability evaluation of IoT networks. To allow reliability simulation in ns-3, RelIoT introduces power, performance, temperature, and reliability modules.
For a list of contributors see AUTHORS.
Extended documentation about implementation details, usage, and examples available at:
The supported platform for ns-3 is listed in its official Installation Guide of ns-3. RelIoT is developed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Clone the repository from github:
git clone
Enter the /reliabilitysim/ns-allinone-3.27 directory, and build the simulator:
cd RelIoT/ns-allinone-3.27
Once the project has been built you will interact directly with Waf and we do it in the ns-3.27 directory and not in the ns-3-allinone directory. You can run the scripts you've placed in the ns-3.27/scratch folder by using ./waf command. For example:
cd ns-3.27
./waf --run "reliability_example"
Running the above command from the /ns-3.27 directory will execute the "" script.