
Get/Send data methods should accept a BitCollection

Closed this issue · 1 comments

ginty commented

Hi Ronnie,

Bitwise read/overlay/store has been implemented at the JTAG-driver level for JTAG-based protocols. i.e. something like the read_register method in the ARM debug protocol driver can simply pass on the supplied register to the read_dr method and the JTAG driver will deal with extracting what bits are to be read, stored, etc.

To allow such drivers to easily work with SWD, it should provide similar functionality. It looks like the send_data and get_data methods only work with dumb data values, but these should be enhanced to accept a reg_or_val, and if it is a reg/bitcollection then implement bit-wise features accordingly.


rlaj commented

This support has been added with new APIs:
def read(ap_dp, reg_or_val, options = {})
def write(ap_dp, reg_or_val, wdata, options = {})