
A website where you're able to create post and rate the current trending and famous manhwas.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a simple web-app that allows user to view or create post regarding Manhwas. They will also be able to see description regarding the manhwa that they want to see provided by the admins of the website. This website will also provide news regarding to current trends regarding manhwas.

Time spent developing

Started on July 26 ~ Still currently working on it!

Dev Notes.

This is a fun project to do. This is a website that I always find to want to create because of the lack in support of some websites regarding Manhwa. I could have probably finished this way easier if I sticked with using MERN but learning the hype of Next js is worth for the time that it'll take me to develop this.

Built with

Next JS for Back-end and front-end
MongoDB for the database structure
Prisma for the middleware for postgres but still thinking if I want to continue using it.