nuxt.js GitHub Contributors

An example nuxt.js app for analyzing contributors stats across the GitHub repositories.

Before you begin

GitHub is heavily limitinh unauthenticated API requests. Follow these steps to generate an auth token needed for the app to work:

  1. Go to Personal access tokens page
  2. Generate new token and grant it only public_repo (under repo) scope
  3. Copy the generated token, go to the project root folder and create a new file, call it .github.json
  4. Paste the following in it:

Of course, replace the placeholders with your GitHub username and token respectively


Before you start, make sure you have installed:

  • docker
  • docker-compose

You can also npm install and run the project directly but docker is recommended

To start, go to the root directory of the project and run: (NOTE: You can skip the first two lines if there are no new npm dependencies and/or updates)

docker rm github_contributors
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up

You can then open in your browser and start making changes to the code which will auto-refresh the preview


  • JS and (S)CSS are linted with eslint and stylelint respectfully


To run the website in production mode:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up

It will run the app on

Built With

Note: only major dependencies are listed here. For the full list, and the up-to-date versions of dependencies, check package.json

  • Role: View library
  • Version: depends on the current version of Nuxt.js
  • Role: Vue.js framework, facilitates Server Side Rendering
  • Version: 2.x
  • Role: A lightweight charting library
  • Version: 0.11.x
  • Role: An algebraic counterpart to Promises
  • Version: 10.x
  • Role: HTTP client
  • Version: 0.18.x