Public Terraform Module for creating a cognito user pool for usage with the default TiloRes authentication and authorization.
module "cognito" {
source = "tilotech/tilores-cognito/aws"
resource_prefix = "mycompany-dev"
available_scopes = [
name : "write"
description : "allows all write requests"
name : "read"
description : "allows all read requests"
resource_server_identifier = "myproduct"
clients = tomap({
client = {
allowed_scopes = ["myproduct/write", "myproduct/read"]
By default the module should be used like this:
module "cognito" {
source = "tilotech/tilores-cognito/aws"
clients = {
client = {
allowed_scopes = [
This will create an application client with the name "client", which can be used for machine to machine communication using the client credentials flow.
If you want to create a client that can be used with other flows, you have to customize the configuration.
module "cognito" {
source = "tilotech/tilores-cognito/aws"
clients = {
client = {
allowed_scopes = [
ui_client = {
allowed_oauth_flows = ["code"]
allowed_scopes = [
generate_secret = false
explicit_auth_flows = [
access_token_validity = 120
id_token_validity = 120
refresh_token_validity = 60
callback_urls = [
logout_urls = [
supported_identity_providers = [
This will add a second application client with the name "ui_client", that uses a code flow, doesn't have a secret generated (public client) and uses custom token validity times.
The default values are as follows:
allowed_oauth_flows = ["client_credentials"]
allowed_scopes = []
generate_secret = true
explicit_auth_flows = [
access_token_validity = 60
id_token_validity = 60
refresh_token_validity = 30
callback_urls = null
logout_urls = null
supported_identity_providers = null
Access and ID token validity are provided in hours. The refresh token validity is provided in days.