
Provide all in one backup features for GitBucket 4.38

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Provides all in one backup features for GitBucket


This plugin provides backup feature for below data.

  • Database contents
  • User repositories
  • Wiki repositories
  • Attachment file of issue and release
  • User avatar data

And email notification what backup success or failure.


Configuration GITBUCKET_HOME/backup.conf as below.

# Backup timing (Required)
# For details, see http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.3.0/tutorials/crontrigger.html
# and https://github.com/enragedginger/akka-quartz-scheduler/blob/master/README.md
# This example, backup 12am every day
akka {
  quartz {
    schedules {
      Backup {
        expression = "0 0 0 * * ?"
        timezone = "Asia/Tokyo"

backup {
  # Backup archive destination directory (Optional)
  # If not specified, archive is saved into GITBUCKET_HOME
  archive-destination = """/path/to/archive-dest-dir"""

  # Maximum number of backup archives to keep (if 0 or negative value, keep unlimited) (Optional)
  # If not specified, keep unlimited
  archive-limit = 10

  # Send notify email when backup is success (Optional, default:false)
  notify-on-success = true

  # Send notify email when backup is failure (Optional, default:false)
  notify-on-failure = true

  # Notify email destination (Optional)
  notify-dest = ["jyuch@localhost"]

  # Timeout value for backup (minutes) (Optional, default:30)
  timeout = 60

  # S3 compatible object storage for backup upload (Optional)
  s3 {
    # Endpoing URL
    endpoint = "http://localhost:9000"

    # Region
    region = "US_EAST_1"

    # Access key
    access-key = "access-key"

    # Secret key
    secret-key = "secret-key"

    # Bucket of backup destination
    bucket = "gitbucket"
    # Maximum number of backup archives to keep in bucket (if 0 or negative value, keep unlimited) (Optional)
    # If not specified, keep unlimited
    # Since 1.3.0
    archive-limit = 10

And you need to setup gitbucket SMTP configuration when use email notification.

Send test mail

Send HTTP Post to http://localhost:8080/api/v3/backup/mail-test with administrator authority when you want to send test mail.

On demand backup

Send HTTP Post to http://localhost:8080/api/v3/backup/execute with administrator authority when you want to execute backup immediately.

Restoring backup

  1. Execute GitBucket once.
  2. Copy data and repositories from backup archive file to GITBUCKET_HOME.
  3. Import gitbucket.sql from System administration -> Data export/import.
  4. Re-configure other plugins.

If you are using PostgreSQL, you have to run following to the setup sequence values:

SELECT setval('label_label_id_seq', (select max(label_id) + 1 from label));
SELECT setval('access_token_access_token_id_seq', (select max(access_token_id) + 1 from access_token));
SELECT setval('commit_comment_comment_id_seq', (select max(comment_id) + 1 from commit_comment));
SELECT setval('commit_status_commit_status_id_seq', (select max(commit_status_id) + 1 from commit_status));
SELECT setval('milestone_milestone_id_seq', (select max(milestone_id) + 1 from milestone));
SELECT setval('issue_comment_comment_id_seq', (select max(comment_id) + 1 from issue_comment));
SELECT setval('ssh_key_ssh_key_id_seq', (select max(ssh_key_id) + 1 from ssh_key));
SELECT setval('priority_priority_id_seq', (select max(priority_id) + 1 from priority));
SELECT setval('release_asset_release_asset_id_seq', (select max(release_asset_id) + 1 from release_asset));

-- GitBucket 4.33.0 or before
SELECT setval('activity_activity_id_seq', (select max(activity_id) + 1 from activity));

For more details, see External database configuration.

Compatibility with GitBucket

Plugin version GitBucket version
1.5.0 4.38
1.4.0 4.34 - 4.37
1.3.0 4.34 - 4.36
1.2.3 4.34 - 4.36
1.2.2 4.32 - 4.33
1.2.1 4.29 - 4.31
1.2.0 4.29
1.1.0 4.28
1.0.0 4.27
1.0.0-RC1 4.27