Orillusion is a pure Web3D rendering engine which is fully developed based on the WebGPU standard.
- 2
[BUG]: LitMaterial 设置纹理重复无效,UnLitMaterial 有效
#435 opened by ID-Emmett - 3
[FR]: Integration Orillusion with react
#445 opened by j209 - 3
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[FR]: Where are the Systems from ECS?
#450 opened by mreinstein - 8
[FR]: 每一个材质允许有多个RenderShaderPass,是什么处于什么目的设计的?
#443 opened by Davidyanlong - 3
[FR]: Attach mesh to skeleton
#447 opened by orosbogdan - 4
[BUG]: LitMaterial.baseMap设置BitmapTextureCube错误:doesn't match the layout's binding dimension
#425 opened by cutepet - 1
[BUG]: 正交相机加TAA-Post画面抖动
#437 opened by unstoppable007 - 1
[BUG]: 正交相机无法采样SolidColorSky天空盒颜色
#433 opened by unstoppable007 - 1
[BUG]: 后处理把天空也进行了处理,是否可以不包括天空背景呢?
#439 opened by Davidyanlong - 2
[BUG]: 在react中使用时,Engine3D.init无法设置canvas
#398 opened by inOwnTime - 1
[BUG]: 主版本升级到0.8以后,stats仍然依赖0.7,导致报错
#441 opened by OriIIusion - 4
[BUG]: 统计窗口插件只显示UI,不显示FPS和内存占用的数据
#424 opened by cutepet - 3
[FR]: 希望有个网格参考平面
#434 opened by unstoppable007 - 2
[BUG]: 你这个inputSystem鼠标事件处理有点不合理
#429 opened by zhangwenyan - 1
[BUG]: 相机俯视突变
#430 opened by unstoppable007 - 1
[BUG]: 景深会影响2DUI
#383 opened by OriIIusion - 1
[BUG]: SSR,Fog会影响2DUI
#384 opened by OriIIusion - 5
- 1
[BUG]: 天空盒bitmapcube加载注释错误
#388 opened by Davidyanlong - 2
[BUG]: 鼠标右键点击事件无效
#370 opened by OriIIusion - 3
- 1
[BUG]: GLTF 模型部份贴图未正确渲染
#396 opened by KaygNas - 4
[FR]: Used in 2D scenes
#414 opened by ouzhou - 1
[BUG]: graphic3D.drawLines 创建的线条数量过多会导致错误
#402 opened by ID-Emmett - 1
[FR]: 支持多UV,多个UV Transfom
#404 opened by Davidyanlong - 1
[FR]: 建议添加直接支持360全景视频的api
#406 opened by qdcxj - 1
[FR]: 多给一些案例的demo,有些api都不知道咋用,比如粒子特效的案例
#407 opened by qdcxj - 1
[FR]: 希望开发支持shader的工具包,里面有各种各样的shader,可以让大家去提交
#408 opened by qdcxj - 1
[BUG]: InstancedMesh实例姿态显示错误
#411 opened by bestsamcn - 4
[BUG]: 设置拾取模式为pixel后,添加bloompost报错
#382 opened by OriIIusion - 0
[FR]: HoverCameraController可否增加pitch旋转的限制角度
#389 opened by OriIIusion - 0
[BUG]: 加载obj文件失败
#373 opened by tunghsingw - 2
[FR]: 计划什么时候推出1.0版本,五个月没有出新版本了,停滞了?
#410 opened by abumphy - 2
[BUG]: HoverCameraController在顶视图的时候鼠标上下移动,场景不位移
#393 opened by OriIIusion - 0
[BUG]: 设置PCF阴影,报错
#371 opened by OriIIusion - 5
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[FR]: 希望增加软体和液体的材质
#409 opened by qdcxj - 1
[BUG]: 这里的代码似乎有问题
#367 opened by Davidyanlong - 1
[FR]: 启用 SourceMap 构建选项,提供源码映射能力
#400 opened by KaygNas - 0
[FR]: 能够支持MSAA
#397 opened by Davidyanlong - 1
[BUG]: ConduitGeometry相关
#387 opened by OriIIusion - 0
[FR]: 关于属性动画,怎么导出json
#386 opened by OriIIusion - 5
[FR]: 海量渲染WASM 申请内存时间太长
#380 opened by Davidyanlong - 3
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[FR]: 给assets库添加了四个字体
#374 opened by OriIIusion - 4
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[BUG]: 控制台发出警告
#377 opened by OriIIusion - 1
[BUG]: Blend首次打开页面不生效
#375 opened by Davidyanlong - 1
[BUG]: 加载GLTF模型,模型显示错误
#369 opened by ShiRuoXi