
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deel Frontend Task

Part 1:

To run this project

  • Clone the repo from git clone https://github.com/Orinameh/deeltask.git
  • Run yarn(npm) install
  • Then run yarn start to run the project

Part 2

1. Difference between a Component and PureComponent

A component rerenders when there is a change in the state or props of its Parent component but a PureComponent will not rerender if a its parent component does. PureComponent does this by perfoming a shallow comparism on state change. With this, a PureComponent is said to be performant than a Component.

2. Context + ShouldComponentUpdate might be dangerous. Can think of why is that?

Ideally, shouldComponentUpdate references the nextContext of a component when there is rerendering.Since shouldComponentUpdate bypasses the rerendering, whenever the states or props of component are not correctly changed, shouldComponentUpdate will return false. This will make the state and props of the descendants component not to get update. As a result, their might be latency in the data which might cause problems.

3. Describe 3 ways to pass information from a component to its PARENT.

  • By passing a callback function as a prop from the parent to the child component.
  • Using a state management tool like redux.
  • Context can also be used to achieve this.

4. Give 2 ways to prevent components from re-rendering.

  • Memoizing components with React.memo, expensive functions with useCallback hook and expensive computation with useMemo
  • Using shouldComponentUpdate to do shallow comparism of state in class components.

5. What is a fragment and why do we need it? Give an example where it might break my app.

A fragment is a react element that is used for grouping several child components or elements in react without introducing a DOM elements. It's represented as <React.Fragment></React.Fragment> or <></> for short. An example where it might break an app is when you try to apply styling to it or when it was not properly closed.

6. Give 3 examples of the HOC pattern.

A Higher Order Component(HOC) is a function that takes another component as an argument and return a new component. Examples include:

  • The connect function in redux is a perfect example of HOCs.
  • Another example is the Material-UI withStyles.
  • Finally, StyledComponents withTheme is also an example.

7. what's the difference in handling exceptions in promises, callbacks and async...await.

In a promise, there is a catch exception that the error propagates to if the promise is rejected. E.g promiseFunction().then().catch(err). In a traditional callback, the error is passed as an argument alongside the result in the callback. This helps to handle the error before the result. In async...await, errors are handled similar to the promises(async...await is a promise) but with a different syntax. e.g try {const res = await somePromiseFunction()}catch(err){}.

8. How many arguments does setState take and why is it async.

The setState function has two arguments, 1. an object which contains the value to update and 2. the callback function which is asynchronous.

9. List the steps needed to migrate a Class to Function Component.

  • Remove the class keyword and its extensions and replace with either function or const to define the function.
  • Convert states to using useState hook.
  • Conver any lifecycle methods to using useEffect hook. The useEffect hook can support all lifecycles of a react component.
  • Remove the render method and replace with return to display the jsx elements.

10. List a few ways styles can be used with components.

There are several ways to style react components. They include:

  • Using custom css styles.
  • Css modules which react supports by default. This helps to scope css classes which is important to avoid clashing of styles.
  • Using Sass.
  • A popular that was inspired by React is css-in-js frameworks. Examples include StyledComponents, EmotionCss etc.

11. How to render an HTML string coming from the server.

React exposes the dangerouslySetInnerHTML for settiing HTML string coming from the server. This helps to prevent exposure to cross-site-scripting popular known as XSS attack. E.g <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: html}} />