
Web for a class exercice, uses PostgresDB and PHP

Primary LanguagePHP



    username: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+]{6,20}$"
    password: "^[a-zA-Z0-9$%.,?!@+_=-]{6,20}$"
    email:    "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z10-9-]+\.+[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$"
  Contact form:
    name:  "^[\w0-9 ]{4,40}$"
    email: "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z10-9-]+\.+[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$"
    text:  "^[\w\W]{20,255}$"
  Change password form:
    token: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{60}$"
  Payment methods:
    name: '^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{6,20}$'
    id: '^[0-9]+$'
  Shipping adress:
    Country code: '/^[a-zA-Z]{2}$/'
    id: '/^[0-9]+$/'
    postal code & city: '/^[\w\W]+$/' # Checks not empty
    address line 1: '/^[\w\W]{5,200}$/'
    address line 2 & 3 : "/^[\w\W]*$/" # A lie, doesn't checks nothing
  Contact form:
    name:  "^[\w0-9 ]{4,40}$"
#    text:  "^[\w\W]{20,255}$" # NOT USED
    email: "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z10-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$"  


php & js:
        '0': 'Unknown error',

        '1': 'Success',

        '2': 'Missing field(s)',
        '2.1': 'Username field is missing',
        '2.2': 'Password field is missing',
        '2.3': 'Email field is missing',
        '2.4': 'Repeat password field is missing',
        '2.5': 'Repeat email field is missing',
        '2.6': 'Name field is missing',
        '2.7': 'Text field is missing',
        '2.8': 'Payment method name field is missing',
        '2.9': 'Payment method info field is missing',
        '2.10': 'Payment method id field is missing',
        '2.11': 'Shipping address fields topic',
        '2.11.1': 'Shipping address country field is missing',
        '2.11.2': 'Shipping address city field is missing',
        '2.11.3': 'Shipping address postal code field is missing',
        '2.11.4': 'Shipping address line 1 field is missing',
        '2.11.5': 'Shipping address id field is missing',

        '3': 'Requirements not achieved',
        '3.1': 'Username does not meet the requirements',
        '3.2': 'Password does not meet the requirements',
        '3.3': 'Email does not meet the requirements',
        '3.4': 'Name does not meet the requirements',
        '3.5': 'Text does not meet the requirements',
        '3.6': 'Payment method name does not meet the requirements',
        '3.7': 'Payment method info does not meet the requirements',
        '3.8': 'Payment method id does not meet the requirements', # It's a numeric value only
        '3.9': 'Shipping address fields topic',
        '3.9.1': 'Shipping address country field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.2': 'Shipping address city field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.3': 'Shipping address postal code field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.4': 'Shipping address line 1 field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.5': 'Shipping address line 2 field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.6': 'Shipping address line 3 field does not meet the requirements',
        '3.9.7': 'Shipping address id does not meet the requirements', # It's a numeric value only

        '4': 'Field matching',
        '4.1': 'Passwords don\'t match',
        '4.2': 'Emails don\'t match',

        '5': 'Client-Server errors',
        '5.1': 'There was a unknown error sending the data, please, try again bit later, if this error is consistent please contact an administrator.',
        '5.2': 'Server under maintenance, please, try again bit later.'

        '6': 'Database side error'
        '6.1': 'Data Insert errors',
        '6.1.1': 'Username is already exists',
        '6.1.2': 'Email is already exists',
        '6.2': 'Data Select errors',
        '6.2.1': 'Username not found',
        '6.2.2': 'User_id not found',
        '6.2.3': 'Email not found',
        '6.2.4': 'Token not found',
        '6.2.5': 'Payment method not found',
        '6.2.6': 'Shipping address not found',

        '6.3': 'Tokens',
        '6.3.1': 'Token not valid',
        '6.3.2': 'Token already used',
        '6.3.3': 'Token expired',
        '6.3.4': 'Token is null or empty',
        '6.4': 'Database connection error',
        '6.4.1': 'Error communicating to database',
        '6.4.2': 'Wrong credentials connecting to database',
        '6.4.3': 'The user don\'t has permission for the requested action(s)',
        '6.5': 'Functions error',
        '6.5.1': 'Error generating token',

        '7': 'Account related issues',
        '7.1': 'The account is not activated',
        '7.2': 'The account is already activated',
        '7.3': 'The account been banned', 
        '8': 'PHP mailer issues',
        '8.1': 'Email couldn\'t be send',
        '8.2': 'Email address is missing',
        '8.3': 'Body is missing',
        '8.4': 'Subject is missing',

        '9': 'Invalid Credentials',
        '10': 'Product stuff',
        '11': 'User conf stuff',
        '11.2': 'Not valid payment method data'
        '12': 'Order Stuff'
  - 'Due postgresql not being able to use the same syntax as php and since the error codes seems easy to read using the syntax already done, it's been decided to leave the php and js codes as they, while using a similar (but valid) syntax for postgresql.'
  - 'P0000'
  - 'P + first number + second number +  last number'
    - '7     :P7000'
    - '8.3   :P8300'
    - '6.4.4 :P6404'
    - '2.1   :P2100'   
    - '2.10  :P2010'   


# NOT UPDATED (at all)
  '3.1': 'The username needs to be from 6 to 20 characters and contain only the following allowed characters:\nLetters from a to z (upper and lower case)\nNumbers from 0 to 9\nSpecial characters "_-+."',
  '3.2': 'The password needs to be from 6 to 20 characters and contain only the following allowed characters:\nLetters from a to z (upper and lower case)\nNumbers from 0 to 9\nSpecial characters "$%/.,?!@+_=-"',
  '3.3': 'The given email is invalid',
  '3.4': 'Name must be from 4 to 40 characters from the english alphabet or numbers',
  '3.5': 'Text message must be from 20 to 255 characters'
  '3.6': 'Payment method name needs to be from 6 to 20 characters and contain only the following allowed characters:\nLetters from a to z (upper and lower case)\nNumbers from 0 to 9 and/or spaces or _'
  '3.9.1': 'Shipping address country needs to be 2 characters that represent the country following the standard ISO 3166-2'
  '3.9.4': 'Shipping address line 1 needs to be from 5 to 200 characters'
  '3.9.7': 'Shipping address id must be a integer'

Javascript Tokens

    't': # Tokens
      'cpt'='Change Password TOKEN (1 use)'
    #'i': #info?

Shipping adress

Country format

ISO 3166-2

Postal codes

Don't check input besides lenght

Validate shipping address


Link presentacio.
