
Precious Record and Memory of Orion545(Former ID Dedicatus545) as an OIer

Primary LanguageC++


//OI: Olympic of Informatics
using namespace std;


This repository is the Record and Memory of Orion545(Former ID Dedicatus545) as an OIer.

The days of my OI life is the most percious part in my life till now, and I guess this would be true forever.
Studying Algorithms, Coding, Debugging, Attending Online and Offline Contests.
My life was completely different, and definitely more worthwhile, just because of these.
Once an OIer, forever an OIer. Competetive Programming will foreverly remain as one of my most important hobbies.
May this Record never vanish in the stream of time, may I never throw these Memories into dustpile,
for they are the origin of my courage, my motivation to walk furthur into my life.
They simply are the foundation of this man named Orion545, in the past, now, and the future.
Dedicatus545 will foreverly remain as an OIer, while his future avatar, Orion545, takes his body and walks towards another possibility.
an OIer never dies.


int main(){
    humanity Dedicatus545 = new humanity;
    humanity Orion545 = Dedicatus545;
    delete Dedicatus545;
Away From OI -- Dedicatus545.