
This readme and associated design document are part of SNHU's CS-230 Operating Platforms curriculum.


Briefly summarize The Gaming Room client and their software requirements. Who was the client? What type of software did they want you to design?

The Gaming Room was a fictional client requesting help deploying their existing android game Draw it or Lose it as a web application across multiple platforms. The Gaming Room requested that:

  • A game will have the ability to have one or more teams involved.

  • Each team will have multiple players assigned to it.

  • Game and team names must be unique to allow users to check whether a name is in use when choosing a team name.

  • Only one instance of the game can exist in memory at any given time. This can be accomplished by creating unique identifiers for each instance of a game, team, or player.

What did you do particularly well in developing this documentation?

I think I did a good job in identifying a framework that could be a good solution to the problem of having to develop for different platforms in one place, React native.

What about the process of working through a design document did you find helpful when developing the code?

I think having documentation that outlined the development from a macro level helps to govern micro decisions.

If you could choose one part of your work on these documents to revise, what would you pick? How would you improve it?

I think a better description of storage management techniques could help.

How did you interpret the user’s needs and implement them into your software design? Why is it so important to consider the user’s needs when designing?

I used the client requests to make design decisions. Had the request been for a specific platform the development considerations would change, because the client requested a multiplatform design the design changes.

How did you approach designing software? What techniques or strategies would you use in the future to analyze and design a similar software application?

I think it is very important to understand physical resource requirements on the client and server side and design in a way that will work for the particular use case.