
This is a sample of some of my work completed while taking the Software Test Automation and QA course, CS-320, at SNHU during the fall of 2021.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a sample of some of my work completed while taking the Software Test Automation and QA course, CS-320, at SNHU during the fall of 2021.

Course Reflection:

  • How can I ensure that my code, program, or software is functional and secure?

  • I ensure that my code is functional and secure by developing code that meets the requirements and that has been verified to do so.

  • How do I interpret user needs and incorporate them into a program?

  • I interpret user needs by conducting user interviews and tests and including users in the development process.

  • How do I approach designing software?

  • The approach, in my opinion, that is most useful is to gear the development toward meeting an existing need. The users of the products should have a hand in guiding the design. The designs improve with each iteration until, finally, a software product that users enjoy is available.