
App that simulates a bee race using an online API. Clean Architecture + MVVM in a simplified way

Primary LanguageKotlin


App that simulates a bee race using an online API as a data source.

Project structure:

Clean Architecture + MVVM in a simplified way.

bee06 bee05 bee04 bee01 bee02 bee03

The ideal:

The app is created in 4 hours of work and therefore not all the ideal clean code can be implemented.

  • It would be perfect to create a multi-modular app made up of 5 main layers: 1-Domain, 2-Presentation, 3-UI, 4-Data, 5-DataSource and finally a "dirty main" app for Dependency Injection and Navigation
  • Also create Bases files for ViewModel, generics UseCase, UseCaseExecutors or CoroutinesProviders to depend of abstractions and be able to test the code more easily.
  • Use the contentDescriptions in a correct way, facilitating accessibility.
  • Eliminate hard coded texts and use string.xml resources to facilitate i18n.
  • Add animations to increase the user experience (UX).
  • If independent models were used for the UI layer and the Data layer, it would be correct to use, for example, @Stable and keys to increase the performance of LazyColumn.
  • Efficiently control the reCaptcha callback.
  • Include tests
  • Add a Internet Access observer.

What was created:

  • A functional app divided into 3 main layers (Domain, Data, Presentation) but in a single module separated by features.
  • In core : Navigation and Dependency Injection.
  • Using Jetpack Compose.

API Features:

  • Limit of 30 calls per minute
  • Random endpoint from a reCaptcha