
Context Menu implemented in React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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React Contextmenu

ContextMenu in React with accessibility support. Live Examples can be found here

Table of contents


Using npm

npm install --save react-contextmenu

Using yarn

yarn add react-contextmenu

Browser Support

  • IE 11 and Edge >= 12
  • FireFox >= 38
  • Chrome >= 47
  • Opera >= 34
  • Safari >= 8


You need to setup two things:

  1. The ContextMenu
  2. The ContextMenuTrigger
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ContextMenu, MenuItem, ContextMenuTrigger } from "react-contextmenu";

function handleClick(e, data) {

function MyApp() {
  return (

      <ContextMenuTrigger id="some_unique_identifier">
        <div className="well">Right click to see the menu</div>

      <ContextMenu id="some_unique_identifier">
        <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
          ContextMenu Item 1
        <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
          ContextMenu Item 2
        <MenuItem divider />
        <MenuItem data={"some_data"} onClick={this.handleClick}>
   	      ContextMenu Item 3


ReactDOM.render(<MyApp myProp={12}/>, document.getElementById("main"));

As you can see that the ContextMenu to be showed on any component is dependent on a unique id.

See examples for more in detail usage.


The styling can be apllied to using following classes.

  • react-contextmenu : applied to menu root element.
  • react-contextmenu--visible : applied to menu root element when visible.
  • react-contextmenu-item : applied to menu items.
  • react-contextmenu-item--active : applied to menu items and title in submenu when submenu is open.
  • react-contextmenu-item--disabled : applied to menu items and title in submenu when they are disabled.
  • react-contextmenu-item--divider : applied to menu items with the divider prop.
  • react-contextmenu-wrapper : applied to wrapper around elements in ContextMenuTrigger.
  • react-contextmenu-submenu : applied to items that are submenus.

Note: This package does note include any styling by default. You can use react-contextmenu.css from examples for quick setup.


The module exports the following:

  • ContextMenu
  • ContextMenuTrigger
  • MenuItem
  • SubMenu

<ContextMenu />

Base Contextmenu Component.


Property Type Required? Description
id String A unique identifier for a menu.
hideOnLeave Boolean Hides the context menu on mouse leave.
onMouseLeave Function Callback called when the mouse leaves the menu or submenu areas.
onHide Function Callback called when the menu is hidden.
onShow Function Callback called when the menu is shown.
className String Custom className applied to root element of the context-menu.

<ContextMenuTrigger />

Contextmenu Trigger Component


Property Type Required? Default Description
id String The unique identifier of the menu to be called.
attributes Object The attributes will be passed directly passed to the root element of component. Use this to customize it like adding custom classes, adding colspan etc.
collect Function A simple function which takes props as input and returns the data to be passed to contextmenu.
disable Boolean false Prop to ignore right clicks and display the default browser context menu.
holdToDisplay Number 1000 This is applicable only for touch screens. The time (in ms) for which, user has to hold down his/her finger before the menu is shown. Note: To disable the long press trigger on left-click just set a negative holdToDisplay value such as -1
renderTag String or React Element The element inside which the Component must be wrapped. By default div is used. But this prop can used to customize it.

<MenuItem />

A Simple Component for menu items.


Property Type Required? Default Description
onClick Function The function to be called on click of item. The function will receive three parameters. The first is event object. The second is the merged data passed using props.data and collect from ContextMenuTrigger. The third is the element on which right-click occured.
data Object {} The extra data (if required) to be passed to onClick event.
disabled Boolean false If true, disables the click event and adds .disabled class.
preventClose Boolean false By default, the context menu is closed as soon as an item is clicked. Set this prop to control this behavior.
attributes Object The attributes will be passed directly passed to the root element of MenuItem. Use this to customize it like adding custom classes, etc.

<SubMenu />

A component for using submenus within the contextmenu.


Property Type Required? Default Description
title String The content to be displayed in parent menu.
disabled Boolean false If true, disables the menu from opening and adds .disabled class.
hoverDelay Number 500 The time (in ms) after which the menu is to be displayed when hovered upon.
classNames String Custom className applied to root element of the context-menu.


Manually opening the context menu

If you want a menu button that toggles the context menu manually with a regular left click, create a reference to the ContextMenuTrigger and pass the click event to handleContextClick.

let contextTrigger = null;

const toggleMenu = e => {
    if(contextTrigger) {

return (
    // Handles right clicking the trigger
    <ContextMenuTrigger ref={c => contextTrigger = c}>
        <img src="artwork.jpg" />
        // The trigger has a menu icon on top of it, allowing for left click
        <button onClick={toggleMenu}></button>


All Contributors


For Changelog, see releases


MIT. Copyright(c) Vivek Kumar Bansal