
Functions used for Excel and Access reports automation

Primary LanguageVisual BasicOtherNOASSERTION

	Very simple Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) functions used by me for Excel and Access reports automation.
	All the functions are enclosed in a single libSimpleVBAFunc.bas file and they can be included to every automation project.
	The folder 'Examples' contains very simple examples with the use of libSimpleVBAFunc.bas functions.
#Date: 01.01.2012
#Author: velin.georgiev@gmail.com
#Version 1.0
#System requirements: 
	Windows XP/Vista/7, Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, .NET Framework 2.0 or higher.
#How to start working with this?
	1. Download the libSimpleVBAFunctions from https://github.com/Velkata/Simple-VBA-functions
	1. Open a new excel workbook.
	2. Use keys Alt+F11 on your keyboard to open the VBA Editor.
	3. In the VBA editor go to menu --> File (Alt+F) --> Import File... --> select the downloaded libSimpleVBAFunc.bas
	Note: For more information visit my blog:
	- http://velingeorgiev.pro/blog/visual-basic-for-applications-automation-library-simple-vba-functions/
	- http://velingeorgiev.pro/blog/fully-automated-excel-reporting-by-using-windows-task-scheduler-vba-and-simple-vba-functions-library/
#Can I contribute to this project, because I have a function that can be included in the libSimpleVBAFunc
 and used for all kind of Excel or Access automation projects?
	1. Contact velin.georgiev@gmail.com

#What values could bring me this?
	1. Less time in coding
	2. Unified common functions that may make some macros easy to read