
A blum automation scripts that uses no API. Special thanks to @SDSProjects

Primary LanguagePython


Follow This Installation Guide https://t.me/verifiedcryptoairdops/167


"Users assume all responsibility and risk associated with the use of this bot/program script."


  • ✅ Auto Claim
  • ✅ Daily Auto Claim
  • ✅ Proxy Support (see Proxy Setup)
  • ✅ Multi-Account Support
  • ✅ Auto Claim Bonus Referral
  • ✅ Auto Task Completion (details in Config.json Overview)
  • ✅ Automated Game Play (random user input, see Config.json Overview)

Register ?

Click the following url to register : https://t.me/BlumCryptoBot/app?startapp=ref_aPYIYj1oKc

How to Use

Bot.py parameter feature

Here are some parameters to enable feature

parameter description
--data set custom file data input (default: data.txt)

About Config.json

Here Config.json Description

key description
interval value type is integer/real number
interval is delay between accounts
auto_complete_task value type is bool (true/false), enable (true) to active auto complete task
auto_play_game value type is bool (true/false), enable (true) to active auto play game
game_point value type is integer/real number
low : minimum points earned when playing the game

high : maximal points earned when playing the game

About Proxy

Register on this site to get free proxy : Here

You can add your proxy list in proxies.txt and proxy format is like example below :

Format :


Example :


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.

    Suggestion: Use python version 3.8+ (3.8 and above or latest)

    python site : https://python.org

    git site : https://git-scm.com/

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/orrnobmahmud/blumauto.git
  3. goto blumauto directory

    cd blumauto
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Edit data.txt, input you data token in data.txt, find you token in How to Find Account Token. One line for one data account, if you want add you second account add in new line!

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.

    Suggestion: Use python version 3.8+ (3.8 and above or latest)


    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip


    sudo apt install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/orrnobmahmud/blumauto.git
  3. goto blumauto directory

    cd blumauto
  4. Install the require library

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Edit data.txt, input you data token in data.txt, line for one data account, if you want add you second account add in new line!

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you termux was installed python and git.


    pkg install python


    pkg install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/orrnobmahmud/blumauto.git
  3. goto blumauto directory

    cd blumauto
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Edit data.txt, input you data token in data.txt. One line for one data account, if you want add you second account add in new line!

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure that docker is installed on your system.

  2. Edit data.txt, input you data token in data.txt. One line for one data account, if you want add you second account add in new line!

  3. Run docker container

    docker run -it \
      -v "./data.txt:/app/blumauto/data.txt" \

    or use compose:

    docker compose up

Javascript Command to Get Telegram Data for Desktop


Run for 24/7

You can run the script continuously using a VPS or RDP. Use the screen application on a Linux VPS to keep the script running in the background.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, join : @Crypto Airdrops (Verified Only)


Q: Is it necessary to use a proxy with this bot/program script?

A: No, using a proxy is not required for this bot/program script.

Q: How can I configure and use a proxy?

A: To use a proxy, simply fill out the proxies.txt file according to the provided format.