A simple powershell script to help using ebsytnh. aimed at people who have no clue/don't want to look around too much
This script will cut a video in its frames and perform background detection to generate mask for it, and neatly arrange it in little folders.
You will need : *Ebsynth installation. Download the portable package from https://ebsynth.com/
Unzip their content in the respective (empty) folders. The result should be like :
ebsynth-EbSynth.exe -vcomp140.dll
The mask generation uses the code from : https://www.codepasta.com/computer-vision/2019/04/26/background-segmentation-removal-with-opencv-take-2.html
Usage : RUn the powershell script. Select a video file, the script will output its results in a folder named after our video file.