
project for codelouisville's FSJS course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FSJS Week 6 - You had me at update/You delete me.


  1. Set up for week6
  2. Create a form to edit files
  3. Create the Update endpoint and connect it to the front-end
  4. Create the Delete endpoint and connect it to the front-end

1. Setup Project

  1. Get the latest version of the group project

    git clone https://github.com/CodeLouisville/FSJS-class-project.git

    or if you already have a clone repository

    git pull
  2. Remove week6 (because we are going to recreate it today) and copy week5 to week6

    rm -rf week6
    cp -r week5 week6
    cd week6
  3. Install packages

    npm install
  4. Start application

    node index.js

Create a form

Give our Angular app the ability to select an active file

  1. Edit public/js/template/file-list.template.html so that each repeated <li> element has a click-handlers. The directive to use is ng-click="$ctrl.selectFile(file)". The <li> element should look like:

    <li ng-repeat="file in $ctrl.files" ng-click="$ctrl.selectFile(file)">

    ng-click: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngClick

  2. Add a small function in our component (public/js/component/file-list.component.js) to output the passed argument:

    this.selectFile = (file) => {
      console.log("I GOT A FILE!!!!", file);
  3. Reload the page, open a console window (cmd-opt-I or ctrl-shift-I), and click on a few files to test;

  4. Alter the function to unselect any currently selected file, and select the current file.

    this.selectFile = (file) => {
      // get the currently selected file and set the `selected`
      // property to false
      const currentlySelected = this.selectedFile;
      this.selectedFile = null;
      // Mark the passed file as selected
      if (!currentlySelected || currentlySelected._id !== file._id) {
        this.selectedFile = angular.copy(file);
  5. When a file is selected, we want its list item to change appearance. We'll do that by adding a class to the <li> element with the following directive: ng-class="{selected: file === $ctrl.selectedFile}"

      ng-repeat="file in $ctrl.files"
      ng-class="{selected: file._id === $ctrl.selectedFile._id}">

    And update our css file public/css/style.css:

    li {
    	cursor: pointer;
    li.selected {
    	background-color: pink

    ng-class: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngClass

Create a form that shows the selected file

  1. Create a section that only shows up when a file is selected.

    <!-- public/js/template/file-list.template.html -->
    <div ng-show="$ctrl.selectedFile">
      <h4>Editing: {{$ctrl.selectedFile.title}}</h4>

    ng-show: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngShow

  2. Reload and click around.

  3. Add a form:

    <div ng-show="$ctrl.selectedFile">
      <h4>Editing: {{$ctrl.selectedFile.title}}</h4>
          <label>Title: <input ng-model="$ctrl.selectedFile.title" /></label>
          <label>Filename: <input ng-model="$ctrl.selectedFile.filename" /></label>
          <button ng-click="$ctrl.updateFile($ctrl.selectedFile)">Update File</button>
          <button ng-click="$ctrl.deleteFile($ctrl.selectedFile)">Delete</button>

    ng-model: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngModel

  4. Create a stub of a 'submit' form in our component:

    this.updateFile = (file) => {
      console.log("I am PUT-ing", file);
    this.deleteFile = (file) => {
      console.log("I am DELETE-ing", file);
  5. Reload and test

Create the update endpoints

Create the controller

  1. Create a directory under routes: src/routes/controllers:

    mkdir src/routes/controllers
  2. Create a file for our controllers

    touch src/routes/controllers/file.controller.js
  3. Copy our existing GET controller from src/routes/index.js and export it from file.controller.js

    const mongoose = require('mongoose');
    module.exports = {
      // List all files in the database
      list: function(req, res, next) {
        mongoose.model('File').find(function(err, files) {
          if (err) {

    The Module Object: https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_the_module_object

  4. Import our controller and use that in the route:

    const fileController = require('./controllers/file.controller');
    router.get('/files', fileController.list);
  5. Restart the server and test that you can still list files

  6. Create a route in /src/routes/index.js that handles PUT requests, and use an currently-not-existing controller:

    router.put('/files/:fileId', fileController.update);
  7. Now create the update controller in /src/routes/controllers/file.controller.js

    module.exports = {
      // ...
      // Update a file
      update: function(req, res, next) {
        const fileId = req.params.fileId;
        const updatedFile = req.body.file;
        mongoose.model('File').findById(fileId, function(err, file) {
          if (err) {
          file.title = updatedFile.title;
          file.filename = updatedFile.filename;
          file.save(function(err, file) {
            if (err) {

    Model.findById(): http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#model_Model.findById

Hook up the front-end to the back end

  1. First, move the bit of code which was responsible for getting the list of files in to its own function, so that it can be called whenever needed. Also, make sure to call that function right after creation.

    this.getFiles = () => {
      return $http.get("/files").then(function(response){
        return self.files=response.data;
  2. In public/js/component/file-list.component.js, replace the updateFile stub with the following code:

    this.updateFile = (file) => {
      $http.put(`/files/${file._id}`, {file})
        .then(response => {
          console.log("Successfully updated file");
          return this.getFiles();
        .catch(err => {
          console.log("Oops...there was an error", err);

    $http.put: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#put

  3. Restart server, reload page and test

Create the delete endpoints

Create the controller

  1. Go back to src/routes/index and add the following route:

    router.delete('/files/:fileId', fileController.delete);
  2. Create the controller in /src/routes/controllers/file.controller.js

      // ...
      // Delete a file
      delete: function(req, res, next) {
        const fileId = req.params.fileId;
        mongoose.model('File').findById(fileId, function(err, file) {
          if (err) {
          file.remove(function(err, file) {
            if (err) {

    Document.remove(): http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#model_Model-remove

  3. In public/js/component/file-list.component.js, replace the deleteFile stub with the following code:

    this.deleteFile = (file) => {
        .then(response => {
          console.log("Successfully deleted file");
          this.selectedFile = null;
          return this.getFiles();
        .catch(err => {
          console.log("Drat...there was an error", err);