- ASP.NET Core 5
- AutoMapper
- Entity Framework Core 5
- FluentValidation
The project is built on Clean Architecture. Dependencies for each project are separated.
- To run app you need to install .NET 5 SDK.
- Navigate to
and run dotnet run to launch the back end (ASP.NET Core Web API)
To use dotnet-ef for your migrations please add the following flags to your command (values assume you are executing from repository root)
--project src/Infrastructure
--startup-project src/TaskManagementSystem.WebAPI
--output-dir Persistence/Migrations
For example, to add a new migration from the root folder:
`dotnet ef migrations add "InitialCreate" --project src\TaskManagementSystem.Infrastructure
--startup-project src\TaskManagementSystem.WebAPI --output-dir Persistence\Migrations`
(Or you can use Add-Migration
command to add migration.)
(Note: change mail settings from appsettings.json for using email sending service correctly)