
Russian translation

osysltd opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello! I would like to translate OST reloaded to russian language. Ive downloaded tortoisegit, checked out repo. so what my next step? please help. thanks.


Great to heat you would like to add Russian! Spent three years in Russia myself. Great place! I have never used turtoisegit. Will see this weekend how it works. Probably just like the command line git. And for that Github has a manual online you can check.


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On Dec 29, 2011, at 11:31 PM, osysltdreply@reply.github.com wrote:

Hello! I would like to translate OST reloaded to russian language. Ive downloaded tortoisegit, so what my next step? please help. thanks.

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tortoisegit like tortoisesvn - a folder where you make changes and commit. Ive made a fork and checked it out to my pc to translate strings. will do the job and pull a request after new year I hope. Jasper come to visit russia again, I can show you such places that no one guide knows)) I live here for all my life, in the centre of the city.

I will visit Russia again for sure. Being in this hot Thai weather now I do miss Russian winters. That and long nights drinking beers and what not. Will check if you are on the translators team and if not add you so you can make push and pull requests

Waiting for your visit, be sure! my mail anton@osysltd.com. Please take translation from my repo branch https://github.com/osysltd/OsTicket cause I finished using buggy osticket and switched to redmine. Be in touch and waiting for your visit ;)