
Random sizes on thumbnails with YBS enabled

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Loaded in the 19.1 update from an unpacked folder. Seems to work on chrome except the thumbnails are all various sizes that change with any page refresh. Hope the store version doesn't act this way.

OK more weirdness. I just cleared the cache with no changes. However once I marked a lot of the videos watched both the Chrome and Edge versions somewhat cleared up, Now they show up with just the two end thumbs slightly larger, and the entire thumb is visible, BUT the other pattern from above returns if I switch off the hide watched toggle!
This is the current look with "Hide Watched" on.
And this is with "hide watched" off
Hope that helps.
And another edit, I used the mark all watched and that caused a different issue, Instead of the 5 across it switched to 4 much larger thumbs and cut the right side off again.
after using mark all

Sorry for the frustration. I really with the idiots at YT would leave the site alone.

Update as of 09:30 10/4 - Reverted back to the mismatched sizes and cutting off of the right side.
Screenshot 2023-10-04 140851

Found this error, Loaded 17.5 and it works just fine. The watch(ed) button moves a bit but I can live with that. Tried 18 and it was the same as 19 and 19.1. 17.5 also worked on edge.

I can confirm this behaviour on Firefox v119.0.

If you toggling "Hide watched" the video thumbnails change size.

  • Hide Watched On, all thumbnails are the same size.
  • Hide Watched Off, some thumbnails are smaller.

The sidebar also seems to interact with this.

  • Hide Watched Off, Sidebar expanded - row of thumbnails scrolls slightly off to the right of screen
  • Hide Watched Off, Sidebar collapsed - row of thumbnails fits screen.
  • Hide Watched On, Sidebar expanded or collapsed - row of thumbnails fits screen.