2-Dimensional instance viewer.
Drag and drop JSON File to Drop Zone (top left corner)
Example data contains 5 instances from:
- Wang, P. Y. (1983). Two Algorithms for Constrained Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems. Operations Research, 31(3), 573–586. http://doi.org/10.1287/opre.31.3.573
Live: https://oscar-oliveira.github.io/Instance-2D-Viewer/
Please refer to:
Oliveira, Ó., Gamboa, D., & Silva, E. : Resources for Two-Dimensional (and Three-Dimensional) Cutting and Packing Solution Methods Research. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Applied Computing 2019. Vol. 53, pp. 131–138. IADIS Press (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.33965/ac2019_201912L016