
Beautiful patterns content Tec + MIT

Primary LanguageHTML

Beatiful Patterns 👩🏻‍💻👩🏽‍💻👩🏼‍💻👩🏿‍💻

This project was part of a social service I was part of during my college studies, it was about empower women in STEM, I design and also create some content for the summer bootcamps.

See more information here

Getting Started 🚀

This is a single html projects that determine a specific schedules for each day of the courses.

Prerequisites 🔧

To visualize the pages:

  1. Downlad a the repository
  2. Select a specific day
  3. Use live server from VSC or copy the path on your browser to see the content

Build With 🛠

  • HTML, CSS - Webpage

Authors 🖋

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License

Acknowledgments 🎁

  • Thank to my teammates to take this step with me and make an amazing project.

-Oscar 👨🏻‍💻