DropNot Homework

This solution completes tasks 1.1 and 1.2, and also completes bonus task 1.

Setup (Normal)

  1. git clone https://github.com/OscarVanL/DropNot-Homework

  2. cd DropNot-Homework

  3. conda create --name DropNot python=3.8

  4. conda activate DropNot

  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch Server: python main.py --server <SYNC-TARGET-DIR>

Launch Client: python main.py --client <DIR-TO-SYNC> --target <SERVER-ADDRESS>

Setup (Dockerised Server)

  1. git clone https://github.com/OscarVanL/DropNot-Homework

  2. cd DropNot-Homework

  3. mkdir sync

  4. docker build -t dropnot-server -f Dockerfile .

  5. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD:/dropnot --restart=always --name dropnot-server dropnot-server

Run Unit Tests

python -m unittest discover tests


  • To detect file changes, native OS libraries like the win32 API could be used. However, this adds complexity for multi-OS compatibility.

  • Not all file metadata is preserved, just the 'modified' time.

  • Base64 is used for the file binary encoding, however using BSON or Google Protocol Buffers would result in efficiency gains.

  • File transfers happen sequentially. Simultaneous transfers could speed up synchronisation.

  • I am using Flask in development mode (unsuitable for production).

  • If a file or folder is renamed, the directory listener isn't smart enough to know this, so it will be processed as a 'deletion' followed by a 'creation'.

  • There's no encryption.

  • Bonus task 2 is not implemented.