
Helm chart for setting up a environment for developers on k8s/OpenShift

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Onboarding Chart

This Helm chart deploys resources for multiple teams in a cluster. Each team can have different configurations for network policies, resource quotas, and role bindings.


  • Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
  • Helm

Team Configuration

Teams are defined in the values.yaml file. Each team has the following properties:

  • name: The name of the team.
  • namespaces: A list with the namespaces to be generated.
  • networkPolicy: The configuration for network policies. It has the following properties:
    • enabled: A boolean value indicating whether network policies should be created or not. Read more here
  • resourceQuota: The configuration for resource quotas. It has the following properties:
    • enabled: A boolean value indicating whether resource quotas should be created for the team. When set to true, resource quotas will be created. When set to false, no resource quotas will be created.
    • cpu: The CPU limit for the team's resource quota.
    • memory: The memory limit for the team's resource quota.
  • projectRole: The role assigned to the team in the cluster. If not specified, the default role is admin.
| Parameter                               | Description                                  | Default |
| teams                                   | List of teams to create                      |   []    |
| teams.name                              | Name of the team                             |         |
| teams.namespaces                        | List of the namespaces to be created         |   []    |
| teams.namespaces.name                   | Name of the namespace to be created          |         |
| teams.namespaces.networkPolicy          | Network policy configuration for the team    |         |
| teams.namespaces.networkPolicy.enabled  | True/False                                   |  False  |
| teams.namespaces.resourceQuota          | Resource quota configuration for the team    |         |
| teams.namespaces.resourceQuota.enabled  | True/False                                   |  False  |
| teams.namespaces.resourceQuota.cpu      | CPU limit for the team                       |         |
| teams.namespaces.resourceQuota.memory   | Memory limit for the team                    |         |
| teams.namespaces.projectRole            | The role assigned to the team in the cluster |  admin  |

Example Usage

To create a Teams Chart deployment with custom values, create a values.yaml file with your desired configuration:

# Team 1
  - name: team1                     <--- The name of the team
      - name: team-1-namespace      <--- Name of the namespace being created
        projectRole: admin          <--- ClusterRole assigned to the team. Default = admin   
        networkPolicy:              <--- Enabled or not. Creates default networkPolicies. Default = false
          enabled: true
        resourceQuota:              <--- Enabled or not. Creates resourceQuotas for the namespace. Default = false
          enabled: true
          cpu: "4"
          memory: 8Gi
# Team 2
  - name: team2
      - name: team-2-namespace
        projectRole: admin
          enabled: true
          enabled: true
          cpu: "2"
          memory: 6Gi

      - name: team-2-namespace-2
        projectRole: edit
          enabled: true
          enabled: false

Created Resources

The following resources will be created for each team based on their configuration:


One or more namespaces will be created for each team. The namespace name will be based on the team's namespaces.name property.

Network Policies

If the networkPolicy is set to enabled for a namespace, the following network policies will be created:

Network Policy Name Purpose
<team-name>-deny-by-default Denies all incoming traffic by default
<team-name>-allow-same-namespace Allows incoming traffic from the same namespace, enabling communication between pods in the same namespace
<team-name>-allow-from-ingress Allows incoming traffic from the openshift-ingress namespace, enabling external clients to access services exposed via the Ingress Controller
<team-name>-allow-from-monitoring Allows incoming traffic from the openshift-monitoring namespace, enabling the monitoring system to scrape metrics and data from the pods

More information

Resource Quotas

If the resourceQuota.enabled is set to true for a namespace, a resource quota will be created in the selected namespace. The resource quota will have the CPU and memory limits specified in the namespace configuration.

Role Bindings

A role binding will be created for each namespace, assigning the team a role in the cluster. If the projectRole is not specified for a namespace, the default role assigned is admin. The role binding name will be <team-name>-<project-role>-rolebinding.