
Script to check if user got adequate permission in vmware for OpenShift

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Script to check if user got adequate permission in vmware for OpenShift/Kubernetes Checks included for both UPI and IPI installations.


This script is currently not working properly. It is looping every account that the SA can find and then compares the permissions from the sum of those to the required ones.


This script requires the user to have govc VMwares CLI.
It also requires the user to be logged in to the vCenter which is easily done by exporting these variables:

  1. export GOVC_URL=url
  2. export GOVC_USERNAME=user
  3. export GOVC_PASSWORD=password
  4. export GOVC_INSECURE=true

Permission check

Simple script to check if user got the necessary permissions for installing OpenShift on VMware.


  1. Permissions required for dynamic storage provisioning (UPI).
  2. Permissions required for IPI.

How it works

When run, the script will compare the users permission to those that are required for dynamic storage provisioning (UPI) or IPI installation. It will output the permissions with either a check mark notifiying the user that it has the permission or a cross telling the permission is missing.

A list of the necessary permissions can be found here

NOTE that while the script checks if the permissions for the user are there, it does not check whether they are propogated or not.

Example usage

➜ ./check-vmware-permissions.sh 
Usage: ./check-vmware-permissions.sh [options]

    -u          Checks if user got adequate permissions for a UPI installation.
    -i          Checks if user got adequate permissions for a IPI installation.
    -h          Prints this messages and exits.

➜ ./check-vmware-permissions.sh -u
Resource.AssignVMToPool ✔
VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistingDisk ✔
VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk ✔
VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice ✔
VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk ✔
VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create ❌
VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete ❌
VirtualMachine.Config.Settings ❌
Datastore.AllocateSpace ✔
Datastore.FileManagement ✔
StorageProfile.View ✔
System.Anonymous ✔
System.Read ✔
System.View ✔