
Presentation held at Machine Learning meetup Gothenburg 5/2 2015

Primary LanguagePython

Clustering meetup presentation

This is the notes, presentations and code used at my presentation at the Machine Learning Gothenburg event the 5th of February 2015.

Link to the event: http://www.meetup.com/Goteborg-Machine-Learning-Meetup/events/220086252/

What will you find in this repository?

Besides spelling error you will find

  • Theoretical introduction to clustering and feature engineering
  • A demo introduction to data (mining) analysis in Python
  • A lyrics-crawler

Both presentations are ipython notebook and to convert them to slides you run ./run_theoryslide or ./run_demoslide depending on which presentation you want. If you want the speakers note to work you need to download reveal.js and store it in this direction. The run-script assumes it is in reveal.js/ but will fallback on CDN if it is not found.