
analysing blat is failing

Dramenia opened this issue · 9 comments

i made an assembly of arabidopsis using trinity, and trying to run LACE. however, i am getting errors. i figured out where it goes wrong, but not why.

in the function BuildGraph, between #Copy graph before simplifying and ####### Whirl Elimination ######################, i get a runtime error: dictionary changed size during iteration.

and in the first blat run, i sometimes get the error:

add_edge() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

I am working on python 3.6 and used your method to install LACE. any tips?

checked it with the example, but the same happends

It looks like in September NetworkX (a python module for the graph making) has migrated from 1.1 -> 2.0 with some big changes to directed graphs (https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/news.html#networkx-2-0) In combination with python going from 3.3->3.6 this changed a fair few things and will mean porting some code to adapt to their changes. For now you can install the Networkx 1.1 version and hopefully that should work!

hi to answer your first question: yes i installed it on the easy mode, not the less easy mode. however, it is installed on python 3.6. i will deinstall module networkx, and reinstall it with version 1.1

the example works now, so will test it on a different dataset. (uninstalled by conda uninstall networkx and installed 1.11 with conda install -c intel networkx)

works, thanks!

small edition to this issue:
i changed the environment.yml file to the following:

name: lace

  • bioconda
  • python=3*
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • blat
  • networkx == 1.10

And this works out of the box.
Hope this will help others

Thanks for that!
Following our discussion i actually changed the environment.yml to exactly that last week on github. Turns out great minds think alike :)