
This is a git repository for my home directory - encryption and other helpful scripts

Primary LanguageScheme


In other words files for my $HOME. This is a handy little git repository I use to track all of the files I use in day to day work and personal development.

List of README files.

Here is a summary of README files in this repository where you can learn more about that area.

Program usage tips

Documentation on advanced usage of different programs I enjoy using (a.k.a. cheatsheets).

Other directories

  • bin/ - This is user bin scripts I put in my ~/bin directory.
  • dotfiles/ - Some common dotfiles which I personally like to customize.

Generate above lists

Generate bullet list of readme files:

find * -mindepth 1 -type f -iname 'readme*' -exec echo "- [{}]({})" \;

Generate bullet list of cheatsheets:

find tips -type f -iname "*.md" -exec echo "- [{}]({})" \;