
ImsFrontend using React

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Initial setup for working with this repo

A guide with some set up information for the IDE is up at Setting up VS Code

Basic overview video showing how to get started


npm start - run on port 3000, open to the bookings sub directory http://localhost:3000/bookings


The API is located at https://apps.imscomply.com.au/ims-api.
It will adjust the database connection based on the directory that the application is running from.

The API is developed with the Laravel framwork and connects to a MySQL database.


The components have been separated into directory groups within the src/components directory.

The main groups are Registry, UI, Preset, Form and Function.
Components within each group are related to those groups.

Component registry

The components are registered/added within the src/components/Registry/componentRegistry.ts file. Components within here are set up to be lazy loaded only when used - reducing the size of the compiled scripts.

How the program works

  1. Loads settings for the program - /setting
  2. Loads the pages (public only if not logged in) - /page or /public-pages
  3. Loads the components for the current page - /page/{id}/components

The page shell is loaded, including the nav, side nav and content.

The main content area is loaded from the JSON returned in the component call. These are run through the /components/DynamicComponent/DynamicComponent.tsx component which loads the registry and passes the props into the loaded component.

An example of the components:

    "component": "DataGrid",
    "props": {
      "endpoint": "d/task",
      "columns": "[{\"name\":\"Name\",\"key\":\"name\",\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"Stack\",\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"Text\",\"props\":{\"text\":\"{name}\"}},{\"component\":\"Text\",\"props\":{\"text\":\"{description}\"}}]}]},{\"name\":\"Description\",\"key\":\"description\"},{\"name\":\"Status\",\"key\":\"status\",\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"StatusToggle\"}]},{\"name\":\"Actions\",\"key\":\"action\",\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"Group\",\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"ModalButton\",\"props\":{\"icon\":\"edit\"},\"sub\":[{\"component\":\"Form\",\"props\":{\"formId\":\"task\",\"itemId\":\"{id}\"}}]},{\"component\":\"DeleteButton\"}],\"props\":{}}]}]"
    "sub": [
        "component": "Group",
        "props": {
          "position": "right"
        "sub": [
            "component": "ModalButton",
            "props": {
              "icon": "add",
              "text": "Add new"
            "sub": [
                "component": "Form",
                "props": {
                  "formId": "task"
            "component": "Space",
            "props": {
              "h": "sm"

This setup will load the DataGrid component and load the data from d/task and setup the columns (also with their own components within the columns).

The DataGrid component is set up to display the children (sub) components above the main table. This will work recursively and load each of the child components within each parent.