
React Hooks for Neo4j

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Hooks For Neo4j


npm i --save use-neo4j


Creating a Driver instance

If you want to hard code the Driver credentials into your app, you can use the createDriver helper function to create a new Driver instance and pass it to the Neo4jProvider. This will cause the child components to be rendered immediately.

import { Neo4jProvider, createDriver } from 'use-neo4j'

const driver = createDriver('neo4j', 'localhost', 7687, 'neo4j', 'letmein')

    <Neo4jProvider driver={driver}>
      <App />

Login Form

If you do not pass a driver instance to the Neo4jProvider, a login form will be displayed. You can pass default values through to the form using props:

import { Neo4jProvider } from 'use-neo4j'

    <Neo4jProvider scheme="neo4j+s" host="myauradb.neo4j.io" port="7687" username="username" password="defaultpassword" database="mydb">
      <App />



The cypher hooks will run a query against the Neo4j database using the driver instance passed to the Neo4jProvider or created during the login process. Each hook returns a Neo4jResultState which gives you access to a loading boolean, the result itself, any errors thrown during the query and helpers for accessing the first row.

export interface Neo4jResultState {
    cypher: string;
    params?: Record<string, any>;
    database?: string;
    loading: boolean;
    error?: Error;
    result?: QueryResult;
    records?: Neo4jRecord[],
    first?: Neo4jRecord,


useReadCypher(cypher: string, params?: Record<string, any>, database?: string): Neo4jResultState

Example code:

function MyComponent() {
    const query = `MATCH (m:Movie {title: $title}) RETURN m`
    const params = { title: 'The Matrix' }

    const { loading, first } = useReadCypher(query, params)

    if ( loading ) return (<div>Loading...</div>)

    // Get `m` from the first row
    const movie = first.get('m')

    return (
        <div>{movie.properties.title} was released in {movie.properties.year}</div>


useWriteCypher(cypher: string, params?: Record<string, any>, database?: string): Neo4jResultState


Transaction hooks give you a convenient way to open a new transaction.

export interface TransactionState {
    transaction: Transaction;
    run: Function,
    rollback: Function,


useReadTransaction(database?: string): TransactionState


useWriteTransaction(database?: string): TransactionState


import { useReadTransaction } from 'use-neo4j'

const { transaction, commit, rollback } = useTransaction('mydb')

    .then(properties => {
        // Use `run` to execute a query within the transaction
        return run(`CREATE (n:Node) SET n+= $properties`, { properties })
            //  If all is fine, commit the transaction
            .then(() => commit())
    // If anything goes wrong, you can rollback the transaction
    .catch(e => rollback())