UI-modeling with statecharts

Welcome! This repository contains all files for the JS/TS-guild workshop "UI-modeling with statecharts".


The presentation was implemented with sli.dev and the source code is located in the presentation-directory.

Download the presentation as PDF


Your task in this workshop is to implement application logic for a Wordle-game using XState. The workshop template (React) with UI-components and some utilities is located in the exercise-subdirectory.

Open terminal in the exercise-directory and run the following commands:

    npm ci
    npm run dev

The app will start in http://localhost:3000 with hot reloading. During the startup the app will also open xstate inspector in another tab, where you can see your statechart visualized.

When the game is initialized, you have to acquire a random word from a "database" to be guessed by the user. There is a small API for accessing the "database" in file words-db.js. In the first part of the workshop, use the synchronous pickRandomWord-function to initialize the game.

If you have time left, you can also implement async initialization. In addition to pickRandomWord there's also a fake API function pickRandomWordAsync in words-db.js. It simulates an API-call by returning a promise, which fails 25% of the time. Use the pickRandomWordAsync instead of pickRandomWord. Remember to handle "loading", "error" and "success" states :-)


If you want, you can start modeling the UI visually using the Stately editor (beta) and then export it to use in your xstate machine.

In order to get familiar with xstate, you can browse the documentation, or watch the official beginner's guide in Youtube.


Example implementation for the workshop (using pickRandomWordAsync) is located in the solution-directory. You can take a peek, if you get stuck.
