This is a prototype for a simple web server that retrieves polyhedral surfaces from a POSTGIS database and sends them back in a glTF or GeoJSON file.
It relies on a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) to transmit progressively the geometric data. A script for building the BVH is provided in this repository.
To use building-server from sources:
$ apt-get install python3-dev
$ git clone
$ cd building-server
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
(venv)$ pip install -e .
If you want to run unit tests:
(venv)$ pip install nose
(venv)$ nosetests
./ conf/building.yml <city>
building-server has been tested with uWSGI and Nginx.
Once files building.uwsgi.yml and building.yml are well configurated for your environment, you can run the building-server:
(venv)$ pip install uwsgi
(venv)$ uwsgi --yml conf/building.uwsgi.yml
spawned uWSGI worker 1 (pid: 5984, cores: 1)
In case of the next error:
(venv)$ uwsgi --yml conf/building.uwsgi.yml
ImportError: No module named site
(venv)$ deactivate
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ uwsgi --yml conf/building.uwsgi.yml
spawned uWSGI worker 1 (pid: 5984, cores: 1)