
Oslo Diner website with Rave Flutterwave payment gateway

To vist the site CLICK HERE

To try out the payment gateway use these dummy Card deatils

Test MasterCard PIN authentication

  • 5531 8866 5214 2950
  • cvv 564
  • Expiry: 09/22
  • Pin 3310
  • otp 12345

Test Visa Card 3D-Secure authentication

  • 4187 4274 1556 4246
  • cvv: 828
  • Expiry: 09/21
  • Pin 3310
  • otp 12345

Test Verve Card (PIN)

  • 5061 4604 1012 0223 210
  • Expiry Month 12
  • Expiry Year 21
  • cvv: 780
  • Pin: 3310
  • otp 12345
