
super sonic shared preferences

Primary LanguageJava

JetDB - Super Sonic Shared Preferences

  • min SDK 16 (Android Jellybean 4.1)
  • written in Java

Simplified SharedPreferences, do it all in 1 line of code. JetDB goes the extra mile by allowing you to save/retreive ArrayLists,Lists of Objects and arrays with a simple, single line of code. It's never been simpler and quicker.


Add this into your root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add the dependency to your module build.gradle:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.Binary-Finery:JetDB:1.0.5'

Example Usage

save List of custom objects:

JetDB.putListOfObjects(context, listObject, "key");

get List of custom objects:

List<User> users = JetDB.getListOfObjects(context, User.class, "key");

save ArrayList:

JetDB.putStringList(context, listObject, "key");

get ArrayList:

ArrayList<String> names = JetDB.getStringList(context, "key");

save array:

JetDB.putCharArray(context, charArrayObject, "key");

get array:

char [] chars = JetDB.getCharArray(context, "key");

save single data:

JetDB.putBoolean(context, true, "key");

get single data:

boolean isActive = JetDB.getBoolean(context, "key", defaultValue);

Please note: other data types can be used (Integer, Float etc) in addition to the ones in the example usages above