The Game Project 2a – Game character

Use p5 drawing functions such as rect, ellipse, line, triangle and point to draw the different states of your game character.

Write the code so that your character appears inside the box for each state.

IMPORTANT: For each box the variables gameChar_x & gameChar_y are set to the bottom center of the box. You must combine these variables with arithmetic to determine the position of each shape that you draw. This will later allow you to adjust the position of your game character.

Each state is worth two marks:

//standing front facing = 2 //jumping facing forwards = 2 //walking left = 2 //walking right = 2 //jumping left and jumping right = 2

0 marks = not a reasonable attempt 1 mark = attempted but it's messy or lacks detail 2 marks = you've used a selction of shape functions to create your game character

WARNING: Do not get too carried away. If you're character takes more than 5 lines of code to draw then you've probably over done it.

** Only submit your sketch.js **