
Source Code for NASA RMC 2016

Primary LanguageArduinoMIT LicenseMIT


Source Code for NASA RMC 2016

Packet Definitions


Teensy to Server Communication

Receiving Data

Command Regular Expression Value Purpose
C # +/- C\d[+-] + = ON , - = OFF, # = 1-6 Control Single Conveyor Motors(1-5) and Digger Motor(6)
C +/- C[+-] + = All On , - = All off Control All Conveyor Motors
L +/- L[+-] + = UP , - = DOWN Set Dumper Linear Actuator UP or DOWN
P # P\d{1,2} # = 0-90 Sets Digger Position with an angle via Linear Actuator
D # D\d{1,2} # = 0-50 Control Rack and Pinion Motor
W A/F/R W[AFR] A = All;F = Front;R = Rear Sets Robot Drive Mode
M # +/- # M\d[+-]\d{1,3} 1st # = 1-2, 2nd # = 0-100 Sets Drive Motor Output
H H Halts robot actions the Robot
N N Resets the Robot


Motors are ordered front to rear. 1 is front most and 5 is rear most.

Transmitting Data

Command Regular Expression Value Purpose
S [+-] # S[+-]\d{4,5} + = Digger, - = First Conveyor Motor, # = 00.00-50.00 Tells how many amps in motor circuit
E # +/- # E\d[+-]\d{1,4} 1st # = 1-3, 2nd # = 0-9999 Tells how many counts the encoders have turned


  1. Digger Motor
  2. First Conveyor


  1. Front Left Motor
  2. Front Right Motor
  3. Rack and Pinion

Server PC

Server to Teensy Communication

  • Flip the Transmitting and Receiving Data for the Teensy
  • Forward the Client data to Teensy

Server to Client

  • Include Server to Teensy Communication & exclude the Transmitting Data section

Receiving Data

  • It is the same data as the Teensy

Transmitting Data

Command Regular Expression Value Purpose
V # V\d{1,2} # = 0-99 Tells how much amps is on the first Conveyor
I # I\d{1,2} # = 0-99 Tells how many amps is being pulled on Digger
D # D\d{1,3} # = 0-105 Tells how far the rack and pinion is in cm
L # L\d{1,4} # = 0-9999 Tells the speed Left Motor is
R # R\d{1,4} # = 0-9999 Tells how far the Right Motor is in cm

Client PC

Client to Server Communication


  • The same data receiving as Teensy to Server


  • Same as data Transmitting as Server to Client