
A library management system where users can read and publish books with auth system and admin functionality

Primary LanguageHTML

The Library management system

The Library management application

To get this project running on your machine, follow the steps below:

Install Node.js and NPM

  1. Visit Nodejs.org and download the latest LTS node.js
  2. Install Node.js on your machine and make sure it is added to path.
  3. Open your Command Prompt or Terminal and run the commands below:
node --version

This will display v18.16.0 or similar.

npm --version

This will display 9.5.1 or similar.

NB: if the above command does not work, reinstall Node.js by following this tutorial

Install MongoDB

  1. Visit MongoDB.com and download the latest LTS MongoDB
  2. Install MongoDB on your machine and make sure it is added to path.
  3. Open your Command Prompt or Terminal and run the commands below:
mongo --version

This will display MongoDB shell version v6.0.4 or similar.

NB: if the above command does not work, reinstall Node.js by following this tutorial

Optionally, you can install MongoDB Compass, a GUI client for Mongo DB by following this tutorial

Project Setup

Package Installation

To setup the project running, navigate to the project directory via Command Prompt or Terminal and run the command below:

npm install

Env Variables

Rename the .env.example at the root directory to .env

Start Development Server

Run the command:

npm run dev

Start Production Server

Run the command:

npm run start

Running code formatter (Prettier)

Prettier is the code formatter used, to run the code formatter, execute the following command on the root directory.

npm run prettier

Running code linter (ESLint)

The code linter used in this project is ESLint, to run the code linter, execute the command below.

npm run lint

Project Usage

This project runs on localhost. To view this Application run the server and visit the HOST:PORT

Rename the .env.example at the root directory to .env

Start Development Server

Run the command:

npm run dev

Visit localhost:3000 for full API documentation

Start Production Server

Run the command:

npm run start

Visit HOST:3000 for full API documentation