
Growth mindset it's just two words but it has so many positive meanings inside, we can take any of separately!

first of , growth the self improvement of your skills or knowledge, life goals whenever you seek to better yourself in any way!

mindset is mean how you are thinking about things as if you believe that qualities are fixed or changeable !

Growth mindset is an integral word with all characteristics you can shortcut with

  • Growth mindset is an completly word with all characteristics you can shortcut with path or process you positive thinking and facing challenges and still struggle, even if you fail ,you gonna try agian until you achieve your goals.

In my opinion, on way to happiness and success, there are some obstacles , you gonna have hard times but it will passed!

on other hand :

  • i remind myself that nothing come easily , you have to work for it

  • when i feel lazy or ignore what i have to do , i remember the results that make motivate me.

  • always i'm looking for better, every end of year i'm asking myself what i achieved at this year ? so that's why i encourage my self to do good things.


i'm osama al-shararbeh 
23 years old 
 from jordan 
I love food and workouts but i'm lazy actually x'D 

