
A simple implementation of Azure AD B2C token validation with PHP

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A simple implementation of Azure AD B2C token validation with PHP. The trick with AD B2C is to fetch your tenant keys to calculate a public key with the modulus and exponent. For this we use the PublicKeyLoader from phpseclib3.


  • PHP 7.1


composer require ossipesonen/azureadb2ctokenvalidator

How to use


use AzureADB2CTokenValidator;

$token = "";
$validator = new AzureADB2CTokenValidator\Validator("tenant", "B2C_1_SignUpSignIn", "clientId");
$claims = $validator->validateToken($token);

Very simple. Firebase's JWT package already verifies the token's signature and expiration.


The public keys in Azure rotate every 24 hours. It is highly recommended to cache the key somewhere nearby and use that if the kid (key id) value still matches. You can do this by providing the cached key payload (JSON format)

use AzureADB2CTokenValidator;

# Requires all properties to exist
$cachedKey = new AzureADB2CTokenValidator\PublicKey(["kid" => "", "..."]);

$accessToken = "...";
$verified = new AzureADB2CTokenValidator\Validator("tenant", "B2C_1_SignUpSignIn", "ClientId");
$kid = $verified->getAccessTokenKid($accessToken);

if ($kid === $cachedKey->kid) {
    $claims = $this->validateToken($accessToken, $cachedKey);

As an example, here's how you could use a local directory to store the keys (they are public, so no need to fear):

$validator = new AzureADB2CTokenValidator\Validator("tenant", "B2C_1_SignUpSignIn", "ClientId");

$kid = $validator->getAccessTokenKid($jwt);
$cachedKid = null;
$cachePath = CACHE_PATH . 'auth-token-kid';

if (file_exists($cachePath)) {
    /** @var string $cachedKid */
    $cachedKid = file_get_contents($cachePath);

    if ($cachedKid) {
        $cachedKid = json_decode($cachedKid);

$claims = $validator->validateToken($jwt, ($kid === $cachedKid->kid ? new AzureADB2CTokenValidator\PublicKey((array)$cachedKid) : null));

if ($validator->getPublicKey()) {
    file_put_contents($cachePath, json_encode((array)$validator->getPublicKey()));


To run unit tests, you must create a private and public key pair with RSA-SHA 256 signature. Typically this can be done using the openssl command in your Terminal.

openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -outform PEM -out public.key

Once you've created your keys, put them in /tests/resources/keys. Don't change the names (private.key and public.key). The contents of this folder are ignored on git and should never be committed!

The keys are a requirement for unit testing. We don't want to test against a live B2C account with Azure generated keys. We also don't have access to the private key there, which means we can't generate the signature anyway. Testing against an expired token doesn't get us too far.

Unit tests can be run with Pest:

composer run test