
A Google Chrome Extension for sending online content to be played on XBMC. Supported websites include YouTube, Vimeo, CollegeHumor, DailyMotion, eBaumsWorld and SoundCloud.

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A Google Chrome/Firefox Extension for sending online content to be played on XBMC/Kodi.

Supported websites include

 * Acestream
 * AnimeLab
 * ARD Mediathek (German TV Station)
 * Cda.pl
 * CollegeHumor
 * DailyMotion
 * eBaumsWorld
 * Ex.ua
 * Facebook
 * Freeride.se
 * Hulu
 * Katsomo.fi
 * Khan Academy
 * Kino-live (Russian)
 * LiveLeak
 * Lynda
 * MP4Upload
 * MixCloud
 * MyCloudPlayers
 * Pornhub
 * Ruutu.fi
 * Seasonvar
 * Sopcast
 * SoundCloud
 * StreamCloud
 * SVTPlay & Öppet Arkiv (Swedish TV Station)
 * Torrent
 * Twitch.tv
 * Urgant Show (Russian Talk Show)
 * Vessel
 * Vimeo
 * Vivo.sx
 * Yle Areena
 * YouTube
 * ZDF Mediathek (German TV Station)